No, I am talking about the person that you dread seeing over the holidays or the neighbor that stops by to bring you goodies when you haven't seem them all year. I'm not even talking about a little rodent running around your house. The visitor I am speaking of creeps in slowly and secretly, it wrecks havoc on your family and causes any planned activities to come to a screeching halt. It is the STOMACH BUG!!!! AGGGGGHHHHHH!!! So, I thought we had escaped it until I woke up at 5:30 this morning. I went to check on Caleb and when I got back in bed I could just feel it coming on. I sat there and prayed that it wasn't what I thought it was, but by 6:30 I had been confirmed as I spent my first of many moments today with Mr. Toilet. He and I have had a bonding expereince like no other today!! Sweet Chad had to take care of all Caleb's morning routines - giving him his bottle, feeding him his oatmeal, giving him a bath and dressing him - and he did a great job. And he even arranged for Caleb to spend the day with his mom. As much as I hate getting up early sometimes, I really missed doing all our routines this morning. But more than that, I missed not being able to hug Caleb or Chad. I definitely don't want them catching this right here at Christmas....or ever for that matter. Please be praying that they will avoid it. to find the Lysol!!! :)
I hope you didn't get this from us!!! Andrew, Carlyn, and I all had it over the weekend! Eek!!
girllll - i know the pain! i was just telling chris about your blog, when it must have spread via blogs because he got it, THEN i got it! yuck!!! it sucks! i hope you are feeling better and were able to enjoy your christmas!
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