Monday, October 27, 2008

R.I.P Mr. Coffee

Mr. Coffee passed away on Sunday, October 26 at 7:30 am from unknown causes. He was the ripe old age 3 and a half. Mr. Coffee brought joy to many and is survived by many coffee cups. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Starbucks. Please keep his family in your prayers as they do their best to replace him.


Anonymous said...

too funny!

Dana and Cindy said...

Please accept my condolences. I will keep your family and your many empty coffee cups in my prayers.

Brooke said...

I'm just so glad to see that someone else is as coffee-dependent as I am!!!! Long live the next Mr. Coffee!

The Cassidys said...

ha ha you are so funny. yeah, i think i'd have a funeral if my coffeemaker died. i'd literally be heartbroken.

Jen said...

Matthew would probably mourn the loss of his coffee maker too. I know how important those things are to you coffee fans!