Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Mommy "Do"

So, I finally did it. I got the mommy "do". I told myself that I was going to keep my long hair for a while and possibly even grow it longer, but things quickly changed. You see, after pregnancy you apparently loose a good bit of hair. For some reason while you are pregnant your hair doesn't fall out as much (which explains the luxurious hair pregos have) and then once you have the baby and all those crazy horomones kick in, all those hairs that have been gracing your head for so many months decide they've been around a little too long and let go - all at once. So for the past 3 months or so I've been drying my hair in the morning and then sweeping up a small wig to deposit in the trashcan. Too bad Locks of Love can't take stuff like that because I promise I could have made them more than one wig! Also with the long hair came a longer drying time - which happened to be most of Caleb's first nap and once you have a little one you realize just how precious those nap times are and you sure don't want to waste a whole one drying your hair! Anyway, I went to my wonderful hairdresser, Jennifer, and this is what I came out with. I love it---although I can NEVER seem to make it look quite as good as she does! If you are a mommy out there debating a haircut...DO IT!! It will make you feel great, give you a little more time to spare doing something else, and all that hair you were loosing -well, you still loose it, but it's MUCH shorter!


Lauren said...

I love it - it's so cute!! I did this too right after Carlyn was born!! :) It is definitely worth it.

Lady Apple said...

it looks GREAT on you!!

Anonymous said...

You look adorable!!!!!

corey sosebee said...

too cute! :) can't wait to see it in person!!! so soon. love you.

Brooke said...

I'm glad to see you took the plunge and joined those of us in the mommy-do club! And you were worried about it! I think it looks GREAT!

Brooke said...
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