Sunday, January 06, 2008


The Belly at 30 weeks!

Daisy greeting her new brother!

My annual Christmas pic with Corey on Skype!

Chad with his new vest

Me and Linds. We got matching hoodie towels!

If we were having a contest for biggest cousin....I would WIN!

Christmas Morning

We are ready for Christmas!

Our 2007 Christmas card I never claimed to be GREAT at this blogging thing. I just said I would give it a try! Although it isn't that hard to update, I just seem to never take the time to do it. Maybe that would be a good New Year's resolution for me!

Things here have been going well. Life is changing quickly and so is my belly! We found out back in October (I think) that we are having a BOY! Unfortunately, he still has no name, so we just call him Baby Boy Byce. I assure you that by the time he gets here he WILL have a name. OR maybe I will just be one of those mom's who names my child after the first thing I see...hmmmm. That could be interesting! We are very excited and have been getting things all ready for his arrival.

It was especially neat being pregnant during Christmas this year. First because I am getting to share this pregnancy with one of the most precious and special people in my life, my cousin, Lindsey. Anyone who knows me well enough knows that this girl is a staple in my life. We have been as close as sisters our entire life and now we are pregnant together. She is four weeks behind me and it has been awesome to have someone so close to share all the pregnancy craziness with! Second, being pregnant at Christmas was neat because it made me reflect even more on the birth of Christ and especially Mary's role in everything - like riding on that donkey so far being SO pregnant! Now that I just can't imagine! Seriously, it did make me think about all that so much and just all the things she must have been thinking and pondering, as the Bible says. I can't imagine how she must have been feeling. I am nervous enough about being a good parent, but to think what it must have been like to know that you were rearing the Christ child. Thankfully, I know we serve a faithful God who will never give us more than we can handle.
I hope everyone is well and that 2008 will be your fullest and most wonderful year yet. I pray you will learn more and grow closer to those you love and to the Father who loves you more than anything! That's my plan...

P.S. The pics at the beginning are from Christmas, with the first one being my most recent belly pic taken just yesterday. We are at 30 weeks now...only 10 more to go!!!!

1 comment:

Lottie said...

Yay!! Ive been wanting to see some baby bump pictures!! You look great and glad to hear things are going so well! Take care!!