One thing I have always loved about working with kids is how you can learn so much about living life from them - their innocence, sweetness and genuine concern for others is always amazing to me. I am helping out with 1st and 2nd grade GA's (Girls in Action, for all my non-baptist readers!!) this year on Wednesday nights and tonight I had one of those moments that just stops you in your tracks. We were talking about a particular people group in China called the Zhuang people. We read over some facts about them, chatted about them some, and then the girls asked some questions. As we were wrapping up our chat, we were reading a list from our book of ways that we could pray for the Zhuang people. Me, being the hurried leader who was trying to get it all in before our time ended, had planned to read the requests and move on; however, God laid something else on one of the girl's hearts. As I finished reading the list, ready to move on, one of the girl's said, "Well, why don't we stop and pray for them
right now." This momentarily froze me. I must admit that this suggestion completely caught me off guard, but it also really spoke to my heart. Oh how I wish I was more like this - taking the time to stop and pray
in the moment. Listening to someone share a problem with me and then instantly praying for them. Visiting someone who is sick and praying over them right then. Sharing in congratulations with someone by thanking God with them. So, we took the time right then to pray. Not what I had on the "agenda" at that moment in the evening, but I sure thank God for that special little girl who was yeilded to the Spirit and helped me remember that it's not my agenda that matters anyway.