Friday, December 11, 2009

Three Words....

Three words that can melt your heart are I Love You. It doesn't matter who speaks them, they are priceless words. Just since last weekend Caleb has started saying these words and it just melts my heart everytime I hear them. Although I know he doesn't really know what they mean yet, it is still so sweet. Most of the time you have to help him start by saying "IIIIII...." and he will finish by saying "YUUUUUB YYYOOOOUUU!" (as he points to himself!) BUT...the other night he was in the tub and completely unprompted he looked right at me and said all three words by himself. BE STILL MY SOUL! I almost got a little teary eyed! And then this morning as Chad was leaving he looked at him and said " IIIIIIII YUUUUB....(pause)....Da-da!!" It's just so precious watching him pick up on so many things. He's like a little sponge and is repeating everything! I am loving this stage!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...
