Saturday, August 11, 2007

A few stitches later... (content may be graphic)

Overall, I consider myself a pretty careful person. I don't do too many things that have the potential of getting me injured. Maybe the cautiousness comes from the upbringing. I remember I wanted to sign up to play softball when I was younger and mom was worried I might get my fingers smashed by the ball and not be able to play the violin anymore!! Oh well, probably for the best because I'm not so sure I would have been that good. Just ask Corey; we played ball chase a few times - he threw the baseball and I chased it! So, I thought because of my ultra carefulness that I was going to be a "lifer" and never have any stitches from some silly accident; however, that all changed one week ago today...
Chad and I and two of his friends decided to take a leisurely boat ride on Lake Hartwell. It was a scorching hot day and we were gonna just ride around. We weren't even gonna get crazy and tube or anything - just riding around with our hair blowing in the wind. Unfortunately, another plan was meant for us that afternoon because about 5 minutes into the boat ride (before we even had any speed) a boat passed us by and made a pretty large wake. Now, had we known the events in our close future, we probably would not have given them the friendly wave we did, but we were happy and carefree at that moment. Right after the friendly "throw up" (as my dad calls it) we hit their wake and because we were going slow the front of the boat where I happened to be sitting went up. I was sitting in a bass seat and I knew I was gonna come down REALLY hard so I put my arms down to brace myself. As we came back down, my wrist slammed into the metal hinge on the seat and it slit right open. Because I was bleeding pretty bad, we turned the boat around, left Chad's friends on it with hopes that they could figure out how to load it, and went the ER - WITH a police escort, I might add! We got to run all the stoplights and everything! We got the ER and were definitely the most legit people there with blood all over both of us. I still haven't figured out why the others were there - esp the guy in the waiting area who told me about EVERY trip he'd ever taken to the ER. Anyway, a few hours and 11 stitches (5 inside, 6 outside) later, I came out with a nicely bandaged right hand and I've been a little out of commission ever since!

1 comment:

TXMommy said...

OUCH!!!Hey, if you got through all that pain without meds, labor will be a breeze. Just look at it as God's pop quiz of pain before the big "test." (: