1. I have been a super slack blogger lately!!
2. Going back to work part time has been wonderful!! I am working at my old school, still in first grade, but only as a teacher's assistant. I am there 8-12 and it's the perfect amount of time. Then, I'm off to pick up Caleb by 12:30 and we have the rest of the day together. The adult interaction and getting to work with the kids again has been wonderful. And I might add it's the perfect job...walk in the door at 8, out at 12, take nothing home, and plan nothing in between!! Ahhhhhh.....
3. Caleb started having super bad relux a few weeks after he turned one. He's never had it before, but it was classic symptoms - screaming and bowing his back when you tried to lay him down, not keeping down food and not sleeping at night. It was AWFUL. Honestly, we got less sleep during all this than we did when he was an infant. After about 5 days of trying things (taking him off dairy, going all soy, etc) we finally figured out it was reflux and he started Prevacid. Now, he's back to his happy, sleeping little self!!! Let's just hope we don't have to stay on the meds long because they are not cheap!!!
4. My little bro is moving back to SC next week. He's been in CA since September and is coming back this way. He is also planning a wedding and getting married in August. I am so excited about have a new sis! Oh...and the bridesmaids dresses are AWESOME!!! She found them at etsy.com and I can't wait to wear it!
5. I am loving American Idol this season. I agreed with the vote offs last night, but am going to have a hard time from here on out because everyone else is so good!!!
6. We are about to hit what seems like a second Christmas in our house. It starts this weekend with Chad's mom's b-day, then mother's day is around the corner, Chad's dad's b-day is the weekend after that, my dad's is a few days after that and then it's wedding shower time for Corey and Kristen. Guess it's time to do some holiday shopping!!!
7.I am headed to a Women's Retreat next weekend with church in Mt. Pleasant and I am so pumped. I can't wait to be refreshed and renewed and also get to spend some quality time with some great girlfriends. This will be the first time Caleb has been with Chad for the entire weekend, but I'm sure he'll do great!
8. We are planning to have a yard sale at the end of May so this means we are going to be spending our free time "cleaning out" everything. I think the decluttering will be very theraputic...at least at the end of it. Thinking about doing it actually stresses me out!!
9. I gave in and ordered The Wave . I saw the infomercial and thought it looked pretty cool. I have tried it a few times and it IS cool! You don't feel like you are really working out, but boy was I sore the days after! You totally enagage your core in all the exercises so you can really feel your abs the next day (although I am still lookin' to SEE mine!). I never buy this stuff, but I really liked this. Oh...and an added bonus is that the studio that came up with this produt is in Columbia, SC and the girl that owns the studion went to High School with me. I guess that made me feel like it was more legit than other things I've seen.
10. This is one of the scriptures that was used in our sermon this past Sunday and it's one I've been meditating on and being so thankful for this week:
"Therefore, since we have a great high preist who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have high preist who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are - yet was without sin. Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receice mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." Hebrews 4:14-16
OK, that's it for my randomness right now! Maybe I will get back to being a regular blogger very soon!!
the girl is one :: party
9 years ago